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RTi Core v1.1 Enigma 2


GF Ouro
Ago 28, 2007
Gostos Recebidos
RTi Core v1.1 Enigma 2

What is changed:

- back to linux 2.6.22

- Overall stability is better

- Faster zapping

- Media Center should support many files and formats

- new filter handling code, should be fixed D+ channels

- default EPG okey

- recording okey , when playing recorded material over VLC no breaks in sound

- 1080p font should be okey

- faster video mode changes

- grab fix for HD ch.

- P+ 2'nd tuner fix and decription

- usbserial and ftdi.ko (USB Card readers and other usb hw should work)

- New Bootlogo - thanx to Daconi

and many more fixes/features

What (still) doesnt work:
- MyTube - only first video work without problem
- TS (recorded from e2) doesnt play in MC , but play in internal E2 TS player (press guide button)
- Some TS (recorded frome2) doesnt play in internal TS player
- DVD player in MC doesnt work and when start and want to exit - get only spinner and receiver doesnt responding / crash

RTi E2 project is really maded for all users which really wants something more from their lovely AzBox.

RTi E2 is mentioned mean people, which are full of frustrations or which are paid to spread lies and bad words about AzBox or to act like that, or people which really dont have an elementary knowledge about Linux systems which doesnt know anything more than Format App area, we really recommend them to buy some FTA Receiver and to stop torturing themselves with modern technologies, and to cure their frustration with help of professional psychiatrists, as also psychiatrists need to live and earn from something .

Unfortunately, there is one small group which is working against AzBox and anything related to it, especially after new models was announced on Anga Cable Show in Germany. Please be aware that this group will make their activities against AzBox even stronger when new models soon come to the market, and because of this we want to let You know, all normal users about their intentions and to stay cool and to dont react on their provocations.

For us, there is only one mission, just to make YOU, all normal users happy with their lovely AzBox, and to listen Your wishes to make our enigma 2 better as much is possible, and in same time to ignore bad and mean voices.

For Flashing Your AzBox with this latest Enigma 2, to avoid any problems in that process, please be carefull and use latest AzUP which is attached with RTi Enigma 2 v1.1, as we cant guarantee how Your AzBox will work if You flash it with other tools which are not maded in cooperation with our team.

We also want to say Thanks to all our Beta testers which tested in BETA Section almost 2 weeks this new Enigma 2, and which helped us to fix as much as possible things inside of it.

Also we want to let you know, that RTi Team is in every day connection and talks with SPAZE Team, and we make big and good cooperation with them, so You can also expect new SPAZE Images for AzBox with latest updates and so on.

RTi Team also decided to open some parts of drivers, like Tuner drivers, kernel and so on, so people can do as much as possible modifications

Download RTi Core v1.1. Enigma 2:

RTi Core v1.1


GF Prata
Fev 6, 2008
Gostos Recebidos
o firwer como meto no deco e qual é o ficheiro porque tem muitos o meu deco é o azbox premium hd+:espi28: comprimentos:espi28:


GF Bronze
Membro Inactivo
Ago 31, 2007
Gostos Recebidos
em prencipio so um...!
da para todos as box hd

