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Bitcoin expert horrified as man leaves note under door of every room after lift meeting


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Out 5, 2021
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Bitcoin expert horrified as man leaves note under door of every room after lift meeting


EXCLUSIVE Layah Heilpern, from Leeds, was left "creeped out" after a man and older man photocopied a note and posted it under every door on her floor at a Miami apartment

A Brit has been left freaked out after a man she left in a lift left a note under every door on her apartment floor to try to find her.

Layah Heilpern, who is now living in Miami, Florida, was innocently talking to a man, believed to be in his 50s or 60s, in a lift and thought nothing of the conversation as she made her way to her apartment.

However, she was left shocked to receive a note from the gentleman days later and even more creeped out of finding he photocopied the letter to every room on her floor.

“I didn't think anything of him in the lift,” Layah, 25, told the Daily Star.

“Everyone in Miami is very friendly and everyone speaks to everyone. So, I just started to naturally be like that. He must have been around 50 or 60, so I thought the age difference implied that I wasn't romantically interested.

“I thought the letter was really creepy, and I don't know exactly how he knows which part of the building I live in, which is weird. It's creepy."

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Layah, who is a bitcoin expert, took to Twitter to share her horrifying experience with social media.

She met the man on the lift four days prior to the note coming under her and her neighbours door after a brief chat with the man.

Layah wrote: “We got chatting and turns out we’re from the same part of London. He then gets out on his floor. We keep speaking, the doors close abruptly ending the conversation.”

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She also posted photos of the note and several others given to her from others on her floor.

The former journalist was left stunned as to how the man knew which part of the building, which is also a hotel, Layla lived in.

The note, which identifies the man as Nick, reads: “Hi, if I met you in the elevator on Saturday, and you are from (blank) please text me...

“I never got your name or the chance to say goodbye. If this is not you then I’m sorry to bother you.”

Layah then asked her followers if the posting of several letters to all the rooms on the floor is romantic or should she call the police.

Users on Twitter called it “cringe” and “creepy” with some branding the note as a “psycho thing”.

Daily Star Sunday