Portal Chamar Táxi

OpenSpa 3.0 VU+ SOLO


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
OpenSpa 3.0


What's new:

- Opticum AX-ODIN (ODINM7) supported.
- E3HD supported.
- MKDigital XP1000 supported.
- New MultiBoot (*Except Azbox).
- New Skin Basic.
- New installed plugin's selector.
- New Videomode.
- New Audioselection.
- Added: VFDMOD for Duo2 display.
- Added: Vuplus plugin Audioeffect.
- Added: UserInterfacePositioner (OSD).
- Added: Autoinstalling Inadyn.
- Rewrite: Reading function in EPG mhw2. Now, you can download 7 days EPG again!.
- Fix .srt subtitles.
- Fix NFS mounts in AZBox.
- Fix GS InputDeviceSetup.
- Added: "fuse" installed.
- Updated transtreamproxy, needed in Duo2 & Solo2 to transcoding.
- CronManager it's out of OpenSPA plugins: now it's embedded in Enigma2.
- LCD4Linux 3.9-r2.
- Unabled access to "Update software".
- Spanish language: Changed "Peliculas" to "Grabaciones" in SpzMenu.
- Added: scrambled services icon in channellist (must be enabled in user options).
- A new feature it's added in OpenSPA options to configure how many days epg will be shown in OpenSPA's ChannelSelection. For better performance, default is one day.
- CCcamInfo and/or OscamInfo will be shown in Extensions menu when CCcam and/or OScam were installed.
- Now, crashlogs are stored in /home/root/logs (next version, user will choose location to store it)
- And small bugs fixed.


- OpenSpa Menú: Horizontal menu allows access to all features of the STB.
- TVWeb: Spanish services for TV "on demand".
- Info Panel: Advanced information of the STB (network, storage, tuners, camds, ect).
- EPG MHW2: Automatic 7-day MHW2 EPG (C+) downloader.
- Downloads Panel: To download plugins, skins, picons, camds, ect directly from receiver.
- File browser: Explore, move, copy... all files from the STB. It allows to install .ipk packages, and much more.
- DTT USB's Manager: Automatic installation for tuners DTT-usb
- Camd Manager: Manager for Camds/Emus
- OpenSpa Meteo: Weather info plugin, embedded in the skin.
- Mediacenter + IMDB: Playing video, audio and images, and allow to use IMDB integrated.
- Installed Plugins selector: Select which plugins do you want to install during frw installation. Specially recommended for boxes with limited resources, such as Azbox.
- Virtual Keyboard
- Backups
- Crond Manager
- Swap Manager
- Remote key Remapper
- Zapping Historial
- Add IPTV services
- Flash Online
- And many more...

OpenSpa Menu

Skin Basic: Second Infobar

Skin Basic: Advanced information

Channel Selection (Find the EPG: from January 28th to February 2nd)

Installed Plugins Selector

OpenSpa Info Panel



Morser: git, enigma2 & plugins
Darkmantk: git, kernel & enigma2
Mpiero: OpenSpa plugins
Pe.tardo: Languages
Sergiri, Jpbravo & Evox: OpenSPA's plugins server maintainer & testing
Fundi, Yersi, Nasky, Oscar_fl, Abdelsat, Mecha and all other testers and all who were reported bugs.

All these who helped to maintain the forum and the server by donating


VU+ Solo


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
OpenSpa 3.1

What's new:
- Vuplus Drivers 18/03/14
- AZBox HD kernel 3.3.1
- AZBox HD Drivers 03/02/14
- EVO Enfinity Drivers 23/02/14
- AZBox HD fix: RCU buttons sensibility.
- spzMosaic free for all.
- New skin openSPA_basic_Extra (openSPA_basic activated by default). New features in infobar and more.
- New Bootlogo by MADOSS (Thx).
- New spinner by mpiero.
- Plugin LCD4linux v4.0-r1 for Duo2
- Mediacenter: better filelist browse.
- MultiBoot: fix HDD internal & external conflictive mount.
- MyTube: fix play videos.
- TVWeb 1.0.13 (Updated module Pelis24; old modules seriesyonkis & peliculasyonkis changed by new ones seriespepito & peliculaspepito, & other minor fixes).
- Fix displays in all boxes.
- AudioSelection: fix access using yellow button. (ToDo:Fix freeze when changing audio track in Azbox HD).
- Fix GS when reboot or standby box. It should work fine "Deep Standby" mode.
- Updated skin BlackModernHD.
- Updated EPG equivalences (Thx Kaspita).
- Minor fixes in skin Basic.
- Minor fixes in plugin spzWeather.
- Minor fixes in plugin vuuledbrightnesssetup (vu+ ultimo).



- OpenSpa Menú: Horizontal menu allowing access to all features of the receiver
- TVWeb: TV On Demand in spanish services
- Panel Info: Receiver advanced info (network, storage, tuners, camds, ect)
- EPG MHW2: Automatic 7-days EPG download - MHW2 (C+)
- Downloads Panel: plugin to download plugins, skins, picons, camds, direct from the box.
- File Explorer: Browse, move, copy, etc files from receiver and allows to install Ipk's & more.
- USB-DTT Manager: Automatic install usb-dtt tuners (vtuner)
- Camd Manager: Camds/Emus manager
- OpenSpa Meteo: Weather info plugin skin embedded
- Mediacenter + IMDB: Playing video, audio & images with integrated IMDB.
- Installed plugins manager: To select which plugins will be installed to the box. Specially for boxes with less resources, such as AZbox.
- Virtual keyboard
- Backups
- Crond Manager
- Swap Manager
- Key remapping
- Zap History
- Add IP Services
- Flash Online
- And much more...


Morser: git, Enigma2 & Plugins
Darkmantk: Git, Kernel & Enigma2
Mpiero: Skin & Plugins
Pe.tardo: Languages
Sergiri & Evox: maintain OpenSPA's plugins server
Na***: Compiling
Yersi, Oscar_fl, Abdelsat, Mecha, Madoss, Kaspita and all testers, and all those who did reported bugs.

All those who donate to maintain forum & addons server
