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Shock Desktop 3D 0.5 [Freeware]


GF Ouro
Mar 23, 2007
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Shock Desktop 3D 0.5 [Freeware]


Shock Desktop 3D é um ferramenta que possibilita um novo modo de interagir com o desktop do seu Windows. Ele vai modificar a sua área de trabalho para que ela fique interactiva, pois os ícones representativos dos programas e documentos vão ser vistos de forma tridimensional, em cubos ou retângulos. A única diferença para a área de trabalho normal é que você não irá conseguir abrir um arquivo ou programa clicando sobre ele uma vez e pressionando "Enter", terá que dar um clique duplo.

Entre as opções disponíveis no programa está a de o programa iniciar quando você liga o computador. Para isso, basta ir no ícone da aplicação na bandeja do sistema (ao lado do relógio), clicar com o botão direito, selecionar "Option" e marcar a opção "Automatically start with windows". Ao clicar com o botão direito na área de trabalho outras opções aparecerão.


If you're tired of your old desktop and changing wallpapers doesn't turn you on anymore, maybe you should try something a little more radical. In which case, Shock Desktop 3D could be just what you're looking for!

With Shock Desktop 3D you can have your standard Windows desktop completely overhauled and give it an amazing three-dimensional look. As soon as you run the program, your current desktop will be replaced by a 3D environment where you can freely move your icons as if they were some sort of tokens. The animation effects are so realistic that it really feels like the icons have become actual objects.

You can choose to have your icons rendered as rectangles or as 3D cubes, which makes them even more similar to small toys for playing with. You'll probably spend a while tossing cubes around, piling them up and organizing them on your new desktop. Luckily the program lets you save these layouts as predefined user profiles.

That said, the truth is that Show Desktop 3D is not really a very useful app. It does look gorgeous on your PC but it doesn't really add any new functionality to your desktop. Besides, it doesn't let you use wallpapers, which I think is a major drawback.

Shock Desktop 3D applies a very eye-catching three-dimensional effect to your Windows desktop.

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